The Alligator Hill Trail offers three loops of 2.5 to 3 miles each plus a spur trail of 0.8 mile located off the first loop. These hilly trails wind through a beech-maple forest, brushy fields, and a pine plantation. There is a view of Lake Michigan along the first loop and a view of Glen Lake at the end of the spur trail. Both views are somewhat obscured by trees. Horses are permitted on this trail. To access the trailhead from M-109, 1 mile north of the Dune Climb, turn onto Day Farm Road. At Stocking Road, turn left or take Stocking Road south from M-109 just east of D.H. Day Campground. The National Lakeshore charges a visitor fee of $20 per vehicle for a seven day pass or $40 for an annual pass. Mountain bikes are not allowed on any of the National Park trails. Pets must be kept on a 6-foot maximum leash.
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