Getting a License

To obtain a marriage license in Grand Traverse, Antrim or Leelanau counties, contact the following clerk's offices:

Grand Traverse County Clerk
400 Boardman Ave.
Traverse City, MI 49684
(231) 922-4760

Antrim County Clerk
P.O. Box 520
Bellaire, MI 49615
(231) 533-6353

Leelanau County Clerk
8527 E Government Center Dr.
Suttons Bay, MI 49682
(231) 256-9824

Michigan marriage license requirements:

Age Requirements: Minimum age 18. Person 16-18 with written consent of at least one parent (or legal guardian). Under 16, through consent of the Probate Court.

Application: Non-Michigan residents must apply for a marriage license in the county where they will be married no more than 30 days before the wedding date. Michigan residents must apply for a marriage license no more than 30 days before the wedding date in a county in which one of the parties resides. One or both parties can apply for the license. If one party is a county resident and the other is not, a photocopy of the county applicant's driver license must accompany the application if he/she does not apply in person. The application must be typed or legibly printed. A daytime phone number must be included in case there is a need to contact you regarding your application. One or both parties must sign the application. Do not sign the application until you come in to the office. The signature(s) must be notarized by a notary public.

Time:  There is a three-day waiting period from the day you apply before you can pick up your license. The license is good for 30 days. If you mail the application, the day the clerk receives it is considered the day you filed it. The three-day waiting period can be waived at the discretion of the county clerk. Your marriage license can be picked up in the County Clerk's office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

License fee:  Application fee is $20 for Michigan residents and $30 for non-Michigan residents. Check or money order should be made payable to "County Clerk."

Witnesses: Two witnesses are required.

Persons able to perform ceremony: Any judge, magistrate, priest, minister or rabbi. 

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