Increased traffic could be the number-one complaint faced by Traverse City Tourism (TCT) in the summer according to Trevor Tkach, President of TCT. He made the observation during a monthly radio show on WTCM AM called “The Road Best Traveled.” But, he added, there are excellent alternatives to driving for both local residents and visitors that are available during the National Cherry Festival and all summer long.
Tkach outlined opportunities that include public transportation through the Bay Area Transportation Authority (BATA) and the bike trail network supported by the Traverse Area Recreation Trails (TART).
BATA offers a wide variety of bus routes both in the city and connecting to surrounding communities with prices ranging from free to $6. BATA Bayline gives free rides into Traverse City, while Park-and-Ride services avoid parking concerns for a price as low as $1.50. Get a full schedule at www.BATA.net.
Brian Beauchamp from TART noted that Traverse City was just identified as the most “Bike Friendly Community in Michigan by People For Bikes. “There is a lot of investment [in the trails] and realizing the value they bring,” said Beauchamp. “It can have a huge impact on the community; the draw for visitors and retaining and attracting talent for businesses.”
The TART system is not only viewed as an attractive way to view the scenic trails for recreation but also an opportunity to ride bikes through town without concern about car traffic and where to park.
On another subject, Tkach commented on the tremendous reaction the public had when tickets for the International Fireworks Championship went on sale. Tickets sold out in about a half hour. Tkach said they are currently working on a plan to make more seats available and should have an announcement in a couple of weeks.
Catch the whole show of The Road Best Traveled HERE, or listen to the next broadcast on the last Wednesday of the month at 11:30 am on WTCM AM radio.